Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions with Crystex™ Cure Pro
In recent years, the tires industry has invested in ways to improve the efficiency and sustainability of operations. According to USTMA’s 2021 sustainability report, between 2010 and 2019, U.S. producers have reduced CO2 emissions by 15% and improved energy intensity [1], an impressive achievement given that adoption of green tires has resulted in increased energy use during mixing.
The mixing room represents 1/3 of total consumption and is the most energy-intensive activity in a tire factory. In recent years, Flexsys has been successful in helping tire producers improve mixing efficiency through the state-of-the-art insoluble sulfur product, Crystex™ Cure Pro. A unique combination of superior product attributes has helped tire producers reduce up to 40% in mixing time for their final mixing stage, translating into meaningful energy savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions. These savings can help mitigate rising costs, while simultaneously helping to mitigate climate change.
For more information about Crystex Cure Pro, please visit our product page or contact our commercial and technical teams.
[1] Climate Update 2021 (ustires.org)
About Flexsys
Flexsys is the world’s largest producer of insoluble sulfur (Crystex), with factories in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. Our global assets shorten your supply chain and ensure security.